Three trends transforming the property insurance market


May 2023

Property Insurance

The property insurance market is constantly changing and there are several trends affecting it. Here are three of the major trends currently in play:

Increase in claims burden due to more extreme weather

In recent years, we have increasingly experienced more extreme weather such as heavy rains, storms and floods. These weather conditions have led to an increase in claims in the property sector. Insurers must anticipate this and take appropriate measures to mitigate the risks. This can be done, for example, by developing innovative insurance products specific to extreme weather events.

Increase in cybercrime

With the growing reliance on technology and doing more and more business online, we are seeing an increase in cybercrime. This poses a serious challenge to both real estate companies and the insurers that protect them. Insurers have responded by including coverage against cybercrime in their property policies. This typically includes protection against data loss, liability for privacy breaches and costs of restoring systems after a cyber attack.

Increasing need for flexible insurance solutions

The real estate market is constantly changing and there is an increasing need for flexible insurance solutions. This is especially true in the rental market, where buildings often change tenants quickly and insurance coverage needs to be adjusted to changing conditions. To address this need, insurers are offering flexible insurance products that respond to the changing needs of real estate companies. These products allow companies to better adapt to changing conditions and better manage their risks.

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