These are the most important liability insurance policies


Mar 2023

Liability Insurance

As a business owner, you always run the risk of being held liable. Whether it's damage to third-party property or injury, you may just find yourself being held responsible as a business. Fortunately, there are several liability insurance policies you can purchase as a business owner to protect you from financial consequences.

Yet for many business owners, it can be unclear which liability insurance is best suited to their situation. Therefore, we would like to outline the three most important business liability insurance policies.

1. Business liability insurance

This insurance covers damage you or your employees cause to persons and property of third parties. You can think of damage caused by a broken window or a floor damaged during work.

2. Professional liability insurance

This insurance provides coverage for mistakes you or your employees make when performing work. This can be the case, for example, when you, as a consultant, give the wrong advice, causing damage to the client.

3. Director's Liability Insurance

This insurance provides coverage for liability of directors and supervisors for damages resulting from their management duties. This could include situations where a director is held personally liable for the financial loss of the organization.

As an independent insurance broker, Base Insurance advises business owners to cover liability risk as efficiently as possible. Our experts are happy to help you find insurance that fits your specific situation and the risks your business faces.

Wondering what Base Insurance can do for you? Book a free 30-minute second opinion.

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