Making roofs available for solar panels?


Jun 2021

Renting out roofs for third-party solar panels

More than one million homes and business premises in the Netherlands have solar panels on their roofs. Increasingly, we see that not only owners but also tenants, energy suppliers or investment companies are investing in solar panels on roofs of property owners. Not entirely without risk, because practice has shownthat solar panels can lead to the occurrence of damage.

As a property owner, what should you consider when third-party installations are placed on your roof?

1. Listening

Through the right of superficies, solar panels can be named to the investor who installs them. Ensure that the right of superficies to install, operate and maintain the solar panels are given to the investor. This makes not the owner of the building but the owner of the solar panels responsible in case of damage. 

2. Professional installation

Solar panel installations can cause damage to buildings, the environment and people. By 2020, as many as 37 timesreported fire damage caused by solar panels. A faulty installation is one of the main causes. Make sure the installation is done by a professional working to the latest NEN standards with 5 to 10 years product warranty. 

3. Liability during assembly

It is important to make clear agreements between property owner and solar panel investor regarding damage to the building during installation and maintenance. Damage may not be insured if the installer or contractor is held liable. 

4. Structural calculation of roof

Most roofs were designed at a time when solar panels did not exist. Get a calculation from a structural engineer to verify that the roof can support the extra load. This is not only about the extra weight of the installation (such as panels, supporting structure, ballast, cables and cable trays), but also about all the extra loads (such as wind, water and snow).

5. Report insurer

Solar panels can lead to a modified risk, which you are often required to report to the insurer. To cover this modified risk, the insurer requires a number of documents related to maintenance and inspection. Check with your insurance advisor what documents are required for your situation.

Are you considering making your roofs available for installation of solar panels by tenants, energy suppliers or investment companies? Brickbase will be happy to advise you on points of interest and required documents.

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