Base Insurance introduces new feature using AI


Feb 2023

New AI features for insurance

Base Insurance recently introduced three new AI features that provide customers with faster and easier access to insurance. Customers can now use the chat feature to instantly request documents, calculate their property insurance premium online and schedule appointments themselves.

Requesting documents

Base Insurance's chat feature allows existing customers to request documents online. Relationships can ask for green cards, policies and invoices through the chat.

Within 3 clicks

For new relations, it was already possible to get an instant indication for the buildings insurance of your property. This way you know within 3 clicks whether you are paying too much for your current property insurance.

Personal contact

With the new AI features, customers can benefit from a seamless customer experience with personal contact, speed and convenience. The chat feature provides a convenient and direct way to connect with Base Insurance and matches customers' wants and needs.

The new features offer and addition to the current service: BaseInsurance is available in person 24/7. Do you have questions about the new features? Our advisors will be happy to help you over the phone!

Wondering what Base Insurance can do for you? Book a free 30-minute second opinion.

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